IF you can produce TV and content, YOU can do almost ANYTHING.
YOU have to be a people person, problem solver, budget manager, researcher, writer, investigator, event planner, interviewer, fortune teller, trendsetter, lawyer, accountant, babysitter, teacher, communicator, storyteller, shrink and hotel concierge at times.
YOU have to work under intense pressure, unrealistic deadlines with either a big team or a skeleton crew.
YOU have to stay on top of technology, news and pop culture.
YOU can never stop evolving, growing. You have to be able to juggle all the things, all the time with one arm. . Plus, you need to be able to switch expertise at any moment- from sports, to comedy, drama, fashion, music, crime, reality, short form, long form, animation, live action, live events, Pharma, documentary style with each project you have to re-invent yourself.
IF you are a true TV Producer, you are a badass and come most likely kick ass in ANY field. I have been saying this for years!. Although producing is in my blood. Always looking for the next challenge and learning new skills.
Today I’m a producer who loves what I do. Taking a storyboard + script idea- turning it into visual content , always creating my passion and love for film and photography .
In my amazing ventures I”ve produced national TV commercials, podcasts, print , micro sites, documentary video content, social media, Jumbotron Billboards, pharma and hospital content all over the world--including a trip to Papua New New Guinea with Director Zack Snyder (crazy but true !!)
My spare time I’m a botanical master gardener, (ask my hydrangeas and my (5) KOI fish in my pond—they’ll sing my praise!!) I love to cook my Swedish heritage and any kind of delicious foods, entertain, travel + feed my friends and family I love…
email me below or send a pigeon to get a hold of me !!!
email : producierge79@yahoo.com